Homemade Laborade Recipe: Stay Hydrated and Energized During Labor

One of the essential elements during labor is maintaining hydration and energy levels. It's crucial to keep your body nourished and hydrated throughout this incredible journey. While water is vital, sometimes a little extra boost is needed. That's where "Laborade" comes in – a homemade, natural alternative to commercial sports drinks, specially crafted to keep you hydrated and energized during labor.

Why Laborade?

Labor is a physically demanding process, and it's important to maintain electrolyte balance and energy levels.

Traditional sports drinks often contain artificial additives, colors, and sugars, which might not align with your preferences or dietary choices. Today I am sharing my homemade Laborade recipe that offers a natural, customizable, and effective way to support your body during childbirth.

Doulas in Cincinnati

Nurture’s Homemade Laborade Recipe


  • 4 cups of coconut water (rich in electrolytes)

  • 1/4 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice (provides Vitamin C and a refreshing taste)

  • 1/4 cup of freshly squeezed lime juice (adds electrolytes and a tangy flavor)

  • 2 tablespoons of raw honey or maple syrup (natural sources of energy)

  • 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt (helps replenish electrolytes)


  1. Mixing: In a pitcher or large container, combine the coconut water, freshly squeezed lemon juice, lime juice, raw honey or maple syrup, and sea salt.

  2. Stirring: Mix the ingredients thoroughly until the honey or maple syrup and sea salt have dissolved completely.

  3. Chilling: For optimal taste, refrigerate the Laborade for at least 30 minutes before serving.

How to use Laborade

Sip throughout labor: Take small sips of Laborade between contractions to stay hydrated and replenish electrolytes.

  • Share with your birth team: Your birthing partner and doula can also benefit from this homemade drink to keep their energy levels up while supporting you.


Feel free to customize the recipe based on your preferences:

  • Add ginger or mint: For a soothing and digestive aid.

  • Adjust sweetness: Increase or decrease the honey/maple syrup to suit your taste.

  • Consider other electrolyte sources: Some may prefer a blend of coconut water and a small amount of natural fruit juice or herbal teas.

Final Thoughts

As you prepare for the incredible experience of childbirth, remember that hydration and energy play significant roles in your comfort and stamina during labor. While this homemade Laborade can be a great addition to your birth plan, always consult with your healthcare provider or doula before trying new supplements or beverages during labor.

Stay hydrated, stay energized, and embrace the miraculous journey ahead!

Sending you strength and support,

Erica xo


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Ultrasounds at Nurture