Beat the Winter Blues with a Dose of 🩷 Pink and 🩵 Blue

In the midst of winter's final embrace for 2024, we're excited to share some doula-approved tips to keep your spirits high and your energy soaring as you await the arrival of your little one or navigate your postpartum journey. This post is all about weaving together the comforting hues of "pinks and blues" with mindful practices that align with the doula wisdom you deserve.

🌸 Winter Blossoms: Nurturing Your Body and Mind 🌸

  1. Floral Delights: Treat yourself to a bouquet of fresh flowers with hues of pink. Having a touch of nature indoors can instantly brighten your living space and bring a sense of springtime joy.

  2. Pink Drinks & Treats: Try experimenting with healthy pink-infused beverages or snacks. From red raspberry leaf herbal teas to strawberry smoothies, adding a splash of pink nutrition to your daily refreshments can be a delightful mood booster.

  3. Mindfulness Moments: Take a few minutes each day for mindful practices. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and visualize your body blossoming with strength and resilience. The hues of pink and blue can serve as a visual anchor for positivity. 

    Prenatal Guided Meditation Class in Cincinnati

  4. Doula-Approved Self-Care Routine: Treat yourself to a soothing bath with bath salts or essential oils. As you immerse yourself in the warm water, imagine releasing tension and embracing the tranquil hues around you.

    Shop Nurture’s Essential Oils

  5. Gentle Exercises for an Energetic Spirit: Engage in gentle exercises that honor your changing body. Prenatal yoga or a daily stroll can invigorate your body and mind, preparing you for the journey ahead.

    Prenatal Yoga in Cincinnati at Nurture

🩵 Cool Blues / Warm Heart: Preparing for Labor and Beyond 🩵 

  1. Winter Walks: Bundle up and enjoy the crisp air and serene surroundings for a refreshing perspective.  Walking is a great way to prepare for labor too!  It is a good gentle exercise to begin postpartum as soon as you are cleared for exercise by your doctor or midwife.

  2. Birth Affirmations in Blue: Create personalized birth affirmations using calming shades of blue. The fifth chakra is located at the pit of our throat and surrounds the neck and shoulder area. In hypnobirthing, we use the color blue in guided meditation scripts to envision the throat and neck vibrating to the color of blue. The energy of blue helps you to find your voice and to learn to speak up and ask questions as needed. Display your affirmations in your birthing space to cultivate a positive mindset and remind yourself of the strength within.

  3. Doula-Recommended Reading: Dive into literature that empowers you during pregnancy and beyond. From birth stories to postpartum wellness guides, finding positive and evidence-based literature can make your reading sessions even more uplifting.

  4. Connection for a Radiant Postpartum: Explore virtual support groups or prenatal classes where you can connect with other expecting parents. Nurturing a supportive community can positively impact your postpartum journey, making it a time of growth and shared experiences.

    Join the Nurtured Postpartum mom’s group in Hyde Park, Cincinnati

🌈 Weaving Doula Wisdom with Pinks and Blues 🌈

1. Birth Plan Preparations: Work on your birth plan, infusing it with elements that bring you comfort confidence that your voice will be heard. Whether it's requesting soft lighting or having your doula present, envisioning your ideal birthing environment can be empowering.

2. Maternity Leave Magic: Begin planning your maternity leave with a focus on self-care. Incorporate activities that bring you joy and relaxation, ensuring you start your postpartum period with a well-nurtured spirit.

3. Doula Check-Ins:Check-in with your doula regularly to discuss any concerns, fears, or questions you may have. Your doula is there to provide emotional support and guidance throughout this transformative journey, from pregnancy to birth to postpartum (and everything in between).

Meet our Doulas serving Cincinnati, Dayton, Indiana, and Northern Kentucky

As you navigate the beautiful path of pregnancy, labor, and postpartum, remember that at Nurture, we are here to support you every step of the way. Spring will be here soon! Until then, we wish you a joyful, final winter’s embrace filled with the warmth of preparation and anticipation.

With doula love and support,

Erica xo



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